Network-M2 ファームウェア 2.1.5 リリース

Network-M2のファームウェア 2.1.5 が公開されました。




Firmware release notes for Eaton Gigabit Network Card for UPS (Network-M2, P/N 744-A3983) and Eaton Industrial Gateway Card (INDGW-M2, P/N 744-07774)

Firmware : Release 2.1.5
Date     : 2021/06/30
Eaton (c) 2021

    This section describes the considerations for upgrading from a previous release. Note that upgrading to 2.x.x from any 1.x.x firmware revision will clear all alarms and events from the user interface. A backup of these alarms and events is available through RESTful API. See for detailed RESTful API documentation.
    Earlier versions can be upgraded to 2.0.5 according to the procedure described in the manual. Downgrade from 1.6.x or above to 1.5.x or below is not possible. Beyond this limitation, downgrade to earlier versions is possible but not recommended.

                                Release 2.1.5 June 2021

Software compatibility: IPP 1.61 and higher, IPM 1.61 and higher, VPM 6.4.0 and higher

Supported UPS:		Eaton 5P, 5PX, 5SC Rack, 9PX, 9PXM, 9SX, 9130, FERRUPS FX, 9E, 93PM (fw 1.48 ->), 93PS (fw 2.50 ->), 91PS, 93E 15-80 EMEA (fw 8.00.01 ->), 93E G2 EMEA (fw 4.0.20->) 

Supported ATS:          Eaton EATS115, EATS16, EATS120, EATS220

    - Support for BACnet IP and BBMD introduced for INDGW-M2 only
    - Added PXG compatible Modbus map (UID 0) on Industrial Gatway Card (INDGW-M2) 
    - Added Modbus register offset setting on Industrial Gatway Card (INDGW-M2)
    - Add the capability to control and monitor the battery test from the Modbus-MS map
    - Display number of EBM if supported by UPS


    - Improved support for MQTT protocol
    - Updated SNMP xUPS MIB


    - Cybersecurity updates
    - Various improvements UI
    - Resolved issue with SNMP test trap button
    - Fix for CVE-2021-3156

Network-M2 ファームウェアアップグレード手順
