Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) Version 1.70 リリース

Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) のバージョン1.70が公開されました。

以下、Eaton発行のリリースノート (原文)

Release note Intelligent Power Manager 1.70 Release
(December 2021)
New features:

Bugs fixes:
* User driver editor button did not work
* In some configuration the Automatic Assignment was not working correctly (when asterix was used)
* Custom event Grace period bug (2 UPSes with 10 seconds delayed trigger the action immediately in some cases)
* Export of node list from didn't work in (the result of the export was empty file with "Null")
* IPM 1.69.253 and did not support Industrial Gateway-X2 2.2.x card
* Network-M2 card 2.2.0 was no more detected by IPM scan when "disable HTTP redirection" option was enabled
* ATS16A with Network-M2 incompatibility issue in IPM 1.69 (device was recognized as a UPS instead of ATS)
* Missing Korean translations added

New Known issues:
* $ character is not supported in the connector password 

Cyber-security :
* Script injection via fake/emulated Network UPS card containing malicious scripts in the *.xml files
* JavaScript injection via input text fields

IPM ダウンロードURL

ソフトウェア、ファームウェア、アプリケーション内の「Eaton IPM 1 windows operating system」をクリックしてください。
