Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) Version 1.54 リリース

Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) のバージョン1.54が公開されました。

◎Windows Server 2016に対応しました。



Release note Intelligent Power Manager 1.54 for Windows
(December 2016)

New features:
* New connector for Nutanix users:
    ** Discover all User Virtual Machines (UVM) runnning in your Nutanix cluster.
    ** Start/Stop UVM on any environmental or power event.
* IPM 1.54 is compatible with Windows Server 2016.

* Automatic upgrade server has been restored.
* More suitable timestamp format is used when exporting graph data.
* Added some logs for all actions run in OpenStack environment.
* Performance optimizations.

Bugs fixes:
* Fixed some memory leaks that occured when protecting virtualized IT infrastructures.
* Now the current password needs to be provided to change a password.
* Uninstall process is not leaving useless files on the disk anymore.
* Now grace period setting is taken into account for all events including events created by duplication.

Known issues:
* Actions on OpenStack infrastructure might not work just after a new connector configuration.
  A restart of IPM service after each OpenStack connector configuration is recommended to avoid this issue.
* NetApp users might lose their connector after the upgrade to IPM 1.54. 
  In that case, remove the corresponding node, reconfigure the connector and review configuration policies and actions to replace all occurences of the initial node by the new one.

Please, read carefully the cybersecurity note provided in Product Literature for information and recommendations about cyber-security.

Eaton IPM ダウンロードサイト
