Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) Version 1.62 リリース

Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) のバージョン1.62が公開されました。

◎IPM 1.62はVMware 6.7と互換性があります


Release note Intelligent Power Manager 1.62 Release 
(September 2018)

New features:
* Compatibility with new licensing model 
  Legacy licensing model (Silver / Gold) is still compatible with IPM 1.62  
* IPM 1.62 is compatible with VMware 6.7
  vCenter : only use flex web plugin

Bugs fixes:
* IPM OVA startup process is improved ("Emergency mode")

New Known issues:
* vROPS connector is not functional in 1.62 even if it's possible to create it on IPM
  Please contact your support representative to get IPM 1.55

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