Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) Version 1.66 リリース

Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) のバージョン1.66が公開されました。


Release note Intelligent Power Manager 1.66 Release 
(October 2019)

New features:
* IPM is now compatible with HPE ePDU G2 : auto-discovery and asset monitoring
* IPM is now compatible with sensors EMPDT1H1C2 (ePDU G3) :
	* EMPDT1H1C2 sensors monitoring in IPM1
	* Daisy chain managed in IPM1 (3 x EMPDT1H1C2 + ePDU + IPM)
	* events from sensor managed as trigger for policy in IPM
* IPM compatible with OpenJDK 1.8 : tested with Microsoft Installer (msi) package (available on Github :

Bugs fixes:
* Fix IPM restart behavior to prevent ESXi and VMs from being in communication failure state
* Network-M2 / INDGW-M2 cards communication improvements with IPM (com failure, pairing issues)
* Assets Autodiscovery issue fixed for IPM Windows installation
* Issue related to Import/Export configuration file is fixed
* Synoptic auto refresh is fixed and Synoptic power source is now displayed with IE 11
* Display problems (duplicated lines and columns) and empty panels issue fixed
* Node Map view is fixed

New Known issues:
* Kerberos authentication for Hyper-V might fail, in that event, please use basic authentication.

Eaton IPM ダウンロードサイト
