Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) Version 1.67 リリース

Intelligent Power Manager (IPM) のバージョン1.67が公開されました。

以下、Eaton発行のリリースノート (原文)

Release note Intelligent Power Manager 1.67 Release 
(November 2019)

New features:
* New connector for Dell-EMC VxRail Cluster (VxRail Software Manager v4.5.300 or above):
	* Cluster Monitoring with IPM
	* VxRail Protection : cluster shutdown managed with IPM embedded in the cluster (vSphere 6.7 or above)
	* Solution required a Network-M2 communication card to protect the Vxrail cluster (version 1.7.5 or above)
* IPM mass deployment custom script solution (full API documentation embedded in IPM : folder configs/scripts)

Bugs fixes:
* IPM shutdown behaviour fixed :
	* Fix for Infrastructure double shutdown issue when IPM restart (only with Network-M2 & INDGW-M2 cards)
	* Fix to prevent IPM shutdown in case of Short power outage 

New Known issues:
* HPEOV connector creation is not displayed but doesn't impact power capping feature for HPEOV managed servers

以下、IPM Quick Start Guide for Dell-EMC VxRail Solution PDF(抜粋)

Prerequisites for the cluster shutdown feature with IPM :

・IPM version 1.67 (or above) : IPM Virtual Appliance (OVA) package
・VxRail cluster protected by an Eaton UPS managed by Eaton Gigabit Network-M2 Card.
 (FW version 1.7.0 and above) : the shutdown script is relayed by the network card
・the “Optimize (or Gold)” license is required to activate the VxRail cluster shutdown feature :
・IPM is embedded into the cluster : IPM OVA is deployed on the same vCenter as the one managing the VxRail cluster
・Enable infrastructure connectors in modules settings
・Containers are not supported by IPM for the cluster shutdown sequence
・vSphere 6.7 (or above)
・VxRail Software manager version 4.7.000 and above

