Intelligent Power Protector (IPP) Version 1.67 リリース

Intelligent Power Protector (IPP) のバージョン1.67が公開されました。




 Release note Intelligent Power Protector 1.67 
 (June 2019)

New features:
* IPP Linux packages: new option to prevent IPP to start after installation

Bugs fixed:
* Power components panel now display correctly all data for VPS (including protection state)
* The power source edition (remove or change) in IPP is fixed : change does not require intervention on the Network card
* Communication lost status is now correctly detected and shown in IPP
* The UPS connected locally (via USB or RS232) is set automatically as power source after IPP installation

Cyber-security :
* Cyber resilience upon upgrade is improved to prevent any command injection through update file (CVE-2020-6651 and CVE-2020-6652)

IPP ダウンロード手順
